Since 2005, Jamo Da Midwest Prince has been seeking success in the hip-hop industry. Considering himself the “jack of all trades," Jamo has stopping at nothing to become the best hip-hop artist of the Midwest region, and with no competition he has been taking the game by storm. Not only that, but he is attempting to take the entire hip-hop community over with Midwest, Ohio artists.
Now on the Two Thousand and Grind College Tour with Rockstar Entertainment, Jamo made a pit stop at OU during Halloween weekend to participate in the events and hang out with college students while promoting his album Full Blood Princeand his other mixtape ventures. He made some time out of his busy day to chat with ACRN before he invaded the campus for the first time.
ACRN: Can you first tell me something about yourself? Tell me something about your music.
Jamo: Coming out of Cincinnati a lot of people like to do that little Atlanta type of style, but basically my thing is that I’m the jack of all trades. My music hits every genre, a lot of my stuff sounds like slow, techno music, and then some might be the electro-hop, some of it might be some DJ Premier-type hip-hop, it just depends on what kind of mood I’m in. Because music, to me, is a feeling. If I’m feeling like I’m at South Beach in the club, then I’m making a pop record, but when I’m back home in Cincinnati I’m making some real grimey, DJ Premier-type music so it really all depends on what type of mood I’m in.
ACRN: Who would say is your inspiration behind your music, or is the music made just through your feelings?
Jamo: My inspiration is really like anybody that keeps it real. I’m a fan first, so anybody that’s spitting crazy but at the same time spitting a little bit of knowledge in there. It’s cool to do a stunt record but if you can talk and make somebody feel something then I’m all for it. I can care less what somebody does when they leave the studio, but what they say on the track has to inspire me. I still bump the Biggie and the ‘Pac, but I've also been bumping Drake lately, Lil’ Wayne, Mos Def, and Eminem.
ACRN: When did you first start rapping, and when did you decide that you wanted to make this a career?
Jamo: I would say like ’05 forreal. I usually be free-styling for like ten years back in ’99, freshman year of high school. And then like I just decided to start spitting forreal, like I just kept doing it like every day. And then I started looking at the game like, 'Damn, what’s up with the Midwest, why the Midwest ain’t making no noise, why ain’t nobody from doing anything?' And people that are trying to do stuff don’t want to collab with each other. So I felt that despite of where I’m from, Ohio, Midwest, Cincinnati, I feel like I’m gonna step up. I’m gonna put it on the map, and I’m gonna open the door for other people. Because the last thing I want for somebody to do is say, 'Well, J when you blow up you did whatever you did, but you ain’t put nobody on!' I want to be that one does that, and it ain’t about the money because I can just like 'yeah, I put that dude on.'
ACRN: So who all have you worked with around the Midwest area since you started?
Jamo: I worked with a couple cats. Raymo Kills from Canton, he was the Swag Heights mix tape with my homeboy Lil Bro from Cincinnati. We got that on www.dattpiff.com. I’ve worked with RealDaOne, we got like three mix tapes coming out. The first one will be around Thanksgiving called Short Days and Long Nights. Me and Lil Rob, he is living in Cincinnati as well, we got a couple tracks on my first album Element of Surprise. And really, that’s it. And the thing is Atlanta got a movement because they stick together. Cincinnati, we can’t just like get down like that for some reason. We don’t seem to grasp that aspect. I try to lend my hand out to a couple of artists, and I’m not going to say any names, but I think it’s because I do pop music that makes them not want to work with me. At the end of the day I make music. It don’t have to be hard, because I’m not hard and I’m not a gangsta. I do music because it sounds good.
ACRN: Where all have you been touring over the past year or so? Only in the Midwest, or have you been beyond it?
Jamo: Well, I got the Two Thousand and Grind College Tour, and I was just down in Tampa, FL. They showed me love down there in Tampa though, which UC beat Tampa by the way. And I don’t want to get the OU people upset, but I’m going on record to say UC the best college football team. [Laughing] I know we close in Pittsburgh around December. I’m in Oregon for three days and then I end in Pittsburgh when UC plays Pittsburgh.
ACRN: So what projects do you have coming up in the near future?
Jamo: I would say within two weeks I got a sampler coming out. I got 15 tracks on there, with tracks from my upcoming and previous mix tape, pretty much a song or two from every mix tape I have done. But as far as upcoming projects, I got like Two Thousand and Grind Volume 2hosted by DJ Clockwork, and that’ll be out before Thanksgiving. And about the same time, on Thanksgiving Day, I got another mix tape coming out. It’s called Pop Culture Volume 1, and that’s gonna be hosted by Eddie P and mixed by DJ Crossfade. Those are gonna be bangers! It took me like literally like 7000-8000 beats, the production was so crazy! I just want go on record to say I will never drop off on my verses. Those are my promotional CDs, and my album, The Full Blood Prince, will come out on Christmas Day. It’ll be $5 everywhere on the Net.
ACRN: Anything else you want to say?
Jamo: Girl, yeah! This is just some new school hip-hop with catchy lyrics and feel-good music, just like the Midwest do it!