My musical taste is like a Great Value box - because getting to the point is all I wanna hear
No need for added pizzazz, or unnecessary do-daas, I could add that on my own
And the artistic abstraction can be left at home
That adds to the price, and my ass is broke
So to think paying a low price for descent quality is to believe I will take it and mope
About the lack of talent and the crap they wrote
When there's plenty of innovation that surrounds you
But no, you'd rather take what you can get at a price on the low
It's amazing how our individuality clouds the sun that broadens our horizons
We won't embrace ALL the stars, but wanna see what makes Orion
So with our Wal-Mart ears we don't peruse through the aisles
We take them to the nearest floor person and say
"something for my workouts is what I wanna find"
So we follow the clerk through aisle #5, and select the one that's most convenient
Convenient to our ears, and not to mention the thighs
Because what we want NOW has nothing to do with our minds
We don't wanna make our own playlist, we let playlists make us
iTunes FTW and to shake us
Break us for 15 songs about a break-up
Caking up on my misery and hang us
With our Wal-Mart ears
When iTunes started making generated playlists is when iLeft
iRather tend to my needs on a For Me By Me basis
That way I can find the root of my problems
Because if I depend on a systematic list I have to let a computer solve them
And quite frankly, numbers may not lie but there's no way to evolve them
Or evolve from them
Think, the square root of 9 will ALWAYS be 3, so when a monkey wrench is thrown in, where will my solution be?
So from now on I'll use my market mind for my musical needs
And from now on, I seek guidance from an organic source, me
Even if it starts from the ground and expands like the sea
My musical taste stands pure, on the shores that I see
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